"... This is a very important book for our community ... It is written and is useful for everyone and transcends race and gender as Sister Aqueelah says on the back of the book. It deals with critical issues - a lot of these issues - marriages have broken up, families have broken up because of Misunderstanding, Miseducation, Misdirection, and Confusion about Gender Roles, Responsibilities and Rights. These are things that can be corrected, it can definitely be corrected with the right education and the right information, and this book, I got in the mail, I told you I ordered it, I got it in the mail Alhamdulillah. It’s hard to put this book down … It’s a great asset to our community … and it can help down through the generations. This book can be given as a gift to our young people for them to read. It can be an instructor’s tool for teaching our young people as well.
So again, tell everyone about this book!
MUSLIM MARRIAGE MAKEOVER: Modeling Muhammad the Prophet to Make Waves in Your Marriage with the R.I.P.P.L.E. Effect. It's an excellent book and an excellent resource for us so please get the book ... There are so many things that hit home, and it hit home because … this book represents what we have been learning throughout the instructions that we’ve gotten from Imam Mohammed. This is what we've been learning when reading our Holy Qur'an's every year during the month of Ramadan and it's foundational to us and our souls so when you read it, it's so familiar and you know that it's true and this is something we should align our thought processes with and challenge our thinking you know … It’s a catalyst, the whole book is just a catalyst to the way we think and understand marriage, relationships, roles ... it's very good whether you read it as an individual or you read it in a group ... It's good to be challenged in our thinking – that’s how we grow, that’s how we expand."
~Sister Munirah Habeel, Co-Host AM 360 Courtship & Marriage Learning Lab
“I finished reading your book MMM yesterday and my spirit has compelled me to offer comments. Since your book is MMM you know that means it tastes good?
Firstly, you have been truly blessed by Allah. I consider myself an excellent follower and student of IWDM, and just like the Quran says ‘the believers recognize the believers’ I feel like I naturally recognize true students of the Imam when I see them … The book permeates the spirit of IWDM wrapped in your thinking and words. That is exactly how he wanted us to be … Your style, spirit, scholarship, sensitivities, and thinking all come off as excellence in the book. The book overflows with Taqwa. There are multiple moments in the book where you present arguments, logics, phraseology that are simply exquisite. The simplest way I can say it is that you made excellent choices all around in the construction of this book.
I loved chapter 9. Now how you gon quote Ralph Tresvant in this scholarly work while talking about the Prophet & bashir etc? I could only smile cause that’s cool!
In chapter 11 you talk about Quran 4:34, and you give Quran, the life of the Prophet, IWDM tafsir and present a wonderful discourse. Reading it I feel like you 100% came from the vision the Imam gave us on this topic, but you offered something that I have never heard the Imam say -and your words were exceptional & brilliant! I am referring to when you equate 'strike them’ to going on strike at work. Like I said I have never heard the Imam say that. If that is something that you came up with through following the logic that is truly impressive. I don’t know if you understand what I am explaining that I see, but that type of thinking is a gift from Allah. The Imam wanted us to be like that but even of his true students most have not unlocked that gift. My mind was questioning - did the Imam say that? Did she get that from somebody else? or did she come up with that? Maybe I’m overreacting, but even if I am I still would say I saw brilliance in the way chapter 11 was presented.
I really enjoyed the book and I got my friend to purchase and I will encourage others to buy.
I pray Allah grants you continued success and I look forward to more of your writings. Congratulations on a fine piece of work. Give my greetings to Luqman and your children (you can tell them Ahsan sends the greetings).”
~ Rashid Mumin (AKA “Ahsan”)
“ASA Sister Aqueelah N. Rasheed; I just got back from the imam conference in Greensboro, North Carolina. I was in your neck of the woods. I just started your book. It is thus far very enlightening and fulfilling. It is so great to see how imam Mohammad's balanced commentary can impact our whole life. This is so true, as you have demonstrated, for our community life and our family life. Your shared insights have motivated me to expand on my nikah khutbah to focus on the garden, tools and overcoming unenlightened traditions.
I so look forward to the rest of your book."
Imam Kashif Abdul-karim